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Hi, How are you? 🙂

My name is Runa and this is my modest home on the web. Since you have wandered in here, you might as well want to pull up a chair and stay for a while. So, Welcome!

I live in Pune, India and work as a localization specialist with Red Hat. You can find more information about my professional endeavors at my Fedora Project Page.

When people ask me to introduce myself, I am generally at a loss to find the right things to say. Born and brought up in a very cosmopolitan household, yet rooted in traditional values I am perhaps a right mix of a common urban Indian of today. My day job and other projects dominate my week and on weekends you may see me reading at home or perhaps out on a trip somewhere outside town (these hardly move beyond the planning phase, but off-late I am seeing some implementations too). Although one may see me guffawing with nearly every other person around me, I generally do not make friends easily and am very very close to a few folks. Perhaps you can get to know me better through my writings.

Meanwhile, you can catch me on Facebook, Twitter, Identica. My reading list is on Goodreads, some photos on Flickr and Food blog is here.